Fr. David Selvamani was born on 25th January 1985 in the place called Kommedu, TamilNadu, India. His parents are Mr. David, Mrs. Arul Mary David. He has a brother and four sisters older than him; he is the last born. After completing his high school, he joined Claretian seminary for his religious formation. Three years of his Initial formation he did in Kumbakonam then moved to postulancy and bachelor degree in Arts. He was promoted to novitiate. After the year of novitiate, he had his first profession in the year 2007, on the 31st May at Madurai. Then he went for his masters in philosophy for two years, and he was sent for regency for one year, after which he pursued his theological studies in Kolkatta. In the year 2012, he made his perpetual commitment. After two years he was ordained to priesthood in 2014, on May 14th. He was appointed two years as assistant parish priest and was asked to go to Zimbabwe for his missionary tasks. He was two years with us and then had to return to India to take care of his family.