I am John Bosco Kiyuga cmf. I worked in our Claretian missions in Zimbabwe from 2010 August to May 2014. I was born in Maswa District, Simiyu Region, Tanzania on 23th December 1974. Ecclesiastically I was from Nyalikungu Parish in the Diocese of Shinyanga. I joined the claretians in 2001. After my ordination I was sent to Zimbabwe for missions.
My presence and experience in Zimbabwe: living and working among the Shona people, has really been a gift for me that I needed to receive in my missionary vocation. To realize this gift, one has to be humble and accept to be schooled in their schools of spirituality. I had a good time with my community members as well as with the recipients of our mission. I thank God the gifts of life, faith, vocation and of our Congregation.