Since just about the beginning of the life of the Zhomba Mission, the Claretian Missionaries have paid attention to the educative field. A clear sign of this awareness is the Scholarship program.
Every year the Claretian Missionaries try to give answers to one painful challenge that exists in this region of Zhomba: Many young people who are willing to move on in their studies are stopped by financial constraints. The result of this huge challenge is, in the best of cases, a great population of young people who expend their time working in the farm, the garden or shepherding. However, in many other cases the result is a huge number of youths lost in different questionable activities…
Aware of this situation, the Claretian Missionaries of Zhomba Mission are running a Scholarship Program helping 30 young people every year to go the University or tertiary Colleges spread around the country. With this project and by receiving funds from the NGO PROCLADE Betica and Canarias, we are paying the fees of these boys and girls making dreams become reality.
In addition to the material help that they receive twice a year, the group meets three times a year in order to do a follow up of the processes and to encourage one another to be faithful to the aim of this program: To improve the educative conditions of the people from the rural area.