Zimbabwe is one of the countries most affected by the HIV epidemic, with a prevalence rate among adults of around 20%. Of the 1.6 million orphans, around 70% have been orphaned by AIDS.
The objective of this project is to provide these children with the necessary resources to be able to access their schooling and thus receive a basic education. To this end, 250 children are supported with scholarships with the necessary funds to cover their enrollment, uniforms and school supplies.
In addition, because some of the children walk long distances from their homes to schools they also receive meal assistance during the day at school, as well as a support with transport.
The Claretian Missionaries came into contact with associations in the region that offer assistance to the local population, and so, they began to support the Saint Vincent de Paul Association. With this collaboration, comes the knowledge and the desire to support, in addition to food, the education of these children. So, it was decided to start this educational support project in 2.009.
The beneficiaries that the project attends have three categories:
- Children who live only with one of their parents and with very low or no income.
- Children without parents who live with a family member with financial difficulties.
- Children without parents who live alone without an adult.
Nowadays, these are the basic dates of this project:
- 250 children enjoy a scholarship to access primary and secondary education.
- 120 children who live far from the school receive aid for transportation.
- 180 children who live far receive a daily meal in the dining room of the School.
We would like to give thanks to all the people, in Zimbabwe and in others countries, who make possible this project. With their support we can give a better present and a hopeful future to these children. May God bless their generosity!