Fatima Province
The Statistics of the Congregation said that we are 3,009 Members (19 Bishops, 1 Permanent Deacon, 135 Brothers, 2234 Priests, 423 Professed Students, 117 Novices) and 497 Houses. Also we are present in 62 different countries.
This is the main reason: it is divided in different geographical areas, called Provinces or Delegations, depending on the number of Claretians who are in that area. Betica Province was created in 1906, in the South of Spain. The presence of the Claretians in Zimbabwe was entrusted to Betica Province. From 2002 to 2006 only members of this province were present in this mission. Later missionaries from other Provinces (Nigeria, Tanzania, India, Sri Lanka and Korea) came to Zimbabwe, and they continue to belong to Betica Province. On September 2020 we received the first claretians from Zimbabwe. After finishing their studies they arrived to Zimbabwe and joined our communities, working and living with us as members of the Claretians in Zimbabwe.
Now Betica Province has disappeared and Fatima Province has being born. We have to understand this cycle of the life in a process of the reorganization of the presence of the Claretian Missionarires in Europe and Africa. The Provinces of Betica, Portugal and United Kingdom have finished the steps of the discernment of becoming one Province called Fatima, because of the place where our Mother Mary appeared to the shepherds in Portugal.
Three organisms with different histories in the Congregation and their ministries, united by the same charism and zeal of our founder Fr. Anthony Mary Claret. They are trying to answer one question- how to be more significant in the evangelization that the Claretian Missionaries are doing in these geographical areas.
The new Province was born on the first of January of 2019. From this date the Claretians in Zimbabwe are a part of this organism.
On January 2020 it was the first Provincial Chapter of Fatima Province. It was a time for planning our missionary life for the following six years. Also during the Provincial Chapter was elected the new Provincial Government for the period 2020-2026.