The Claretian Family is made-up of a group of congregations and institutions which have Saint Anthony Mary Claret as their Founder, or who share his spirit, and together we continue the mission for which the Holy Spirit sustains it in the Church. Here you can find the most important branches of this tree:
- «Missionaries Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary» (Claretian Missionaries) founded by St. Anthony Mary Claret in Vic (Spain) in 1849. - «Religious of Mary Immaculate. Claretian Missionary Sisters» founded by St. Anthony Mary Claret and Mother Maria Antonia Paris in Cuba, in 1855.
- “Cordimarian Filiation”, Secular Institute founded by St. Anthony Mary Claret in 1847, organized in Plasencia (Spain) in 1943 and approved as a Secular Institute of Pontificial Right in 1973.
- «Lay Claretian Movement”, inspired by a project of Saint Anthony Mary Claret, in 1846, approved by the Pontifical Council for the Laity in 1988.